How to Protect our privacy on Face book

Hello there,
Today I’m going to tell how to protect our personality on face book, Toda most of peoples use this face book social network to share them life with their friends, family and other members. Some times we can see some criminal through this social network. We can see some corruption on this social network. Some times we can see our personal data steal through this social network. And our some personal data broadcast world wide without our permission through this site. But we can protect our privacy and personal data on these sites; today we are going to see how to protect our personal data on face book social network.

Now we can see how to protect our personality on face book, first log on to your face book account using username and password, then you can see tabs like Home, Profile, Find friends and account, now you  must click on account tab and choose privacy settings option from the drop down list.

Then you can see your current face book account privacy setting, if you are not setup your privacy settings you can see default face book privacy settings, At this zone we can see and can setup how to share our wall post, how to can see our activities and who to access our basic data through this site, and you can setup what data share and what data don’t share.

For example we can see some government persons like president, and military sites, and more popular face book profiles don’t provided wall post facility for the peoples, that feature was disable, But normally we can see our profile as follows, it is provided status box, and question, photo tab, link tab and videos tab under the News Feed. If you want disable wall posting you can do it using this privacy settings,

Now we are going to see how to disable this wall posting feature from our profile,
Step one,
Go to privacy setting zone,
It like this

Then press customize settings link on this zone, Then you will going to new page like this, and then select your share settings, on the posts by me section you can see button like Everyone, click on this button then click customize option then you can see dialog box, on this box under make this visible to part we can choose only me option from the drop down list, it like follows

After choosing Only me option click on the Save setting button, then you can check this option, Now we are going to check this task work as properly. To check this log on using another account then go to this profile it will work like following.

We can see only few details like basic information and contact details. At above profile anyone can’t post any thing, we can setup lot of settings at our face book profile privacy settings zone, my next article I will describe more valuable privacy settings setups.

Okay keep in reading……!


liza said…
great tips and is very much important for today's will be easy to protect our facebook account
arms123 said…
nice tips to protect our privacy on Facebook,it's very important in today's life

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