
Showing posts from 2020

Redon - Cash Official Video 2021

  Artisti i ri nga kosova Redon ka lansuar projektin e ri muzikor per vitin e ri 2021 te realizuar ne Kosove. kenga posedon nje tekst shume te mir qe pershtatet me Videoklip. Kenga e tij e fundit eshte e titulluar "Cash" e cila duket te jete mjaft e suksesshme. Kenga Cash eshte duke u degjuar ne shume vende ku degjohet muzik shqip dhe eshte pjese listave me te njohura ne portalet shqiptare qe permbajn hitet e reja shqip 2021 nga ato me te mirat qe jan duke u degjuar diteve te fundit.

Leo - Nuk je ti - Muzik Shqip Hitet e reja shqip 2021

  Artisti nga kosova Leo sjelle projektin e ri muzikor me te ri 2021 te realizuar ne Gjilan. Kenga e tij e fundit eshte e titulluar "Cataleya" e cila rezultori mjaft e sukseshme. Kjo kenge u degjua ne shume vende ku degjohet muzik shqip dhe ishte pjese listave me te njohura ne portalet shqiptare qe permbanin hitet e reja shqip 2021 nga ato me te mirat qe u degjuan gjate muajve te kaluar.

Spotify adds ‘promo cards’ feature for artists and podcasters

 Spotify’s now traditional end-of-year Wrapped promotion sees artists and listeners alike flooding social media with branded graphics on their stats. Now the streaming service is extending that idea for artists (and podcasters) with a feature called ‘Promo Cards‘. CrazeyworldEnt presents Cree Follow on Instagram It’s an online tool that they can use to create promotional graphics for songs, albums and artist profiles – as well as for a selection of Spotify’s playlists when they have a track included on them – ready for sharing on social media. Podcasters can do the same thing for show profiles or individual episodes, and in both cases the visuals can be tweaked for colour and orientation. Of course, many artists will continue using smart-link tools to ensure fans can listen wherever they choose, but as a single-platform tool, it’s a welcome addition to Spotify’s offering for artists.

Muzik Shqip 2020 Hitet E Reja

qe u degjua ne shume vende ku degjohet muzik shqip dhe ishte pjese vendeve qe permbanin hitet e reja shqip 2020 nga ato me te mirat qe u degjuan ne muajt e kaluar dhe tani.

Party City Collection

BID Product & Food Review

Funny YouTube Video

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Trap Bass Remix Music


Best Youtube video for Facebook users


Albanische Lieder - Albanische Musik 2020
